. ~ * visionaryParacosmos began pestering you! VP: Hey there! Thanks for checking out my non-classpect analysis writings! I love writing and really don't do it nearly as often as I'd like, but having it all in one organized spot makes me happy! Thanks for checking it out! . ~ * visionaryParacosmos ceased pestering you! * ~ .

Welcome to my Other Writings!

Real talk, I don't shy away from the bigotry and systemic oppression found within Alternia society. If that isn't your cup of Faygo, you may want to pay attention to the caution warnings for each story. Not all my fics are totally grim, there's still plenty of funny bits and fluff! But all of my characters' experiences are influenced by their status within the caste system.


Cat Pun Science

This is a simple analysis I did of some Davepeta cat pun data I pulled from Homestuck, The Epilogues, and Beyond Canon up to August 1st, 2024.

Homestuck OC Fics

Piratestuck AU

This is a draft of what Deidre's life looks like post-ascension in a timeline where many of her friends go on to rebel against the empire and become pirates. Somewhat outdated in terms of the Trollplanet RP.

Burning - a Deidre/Nathme Poem

This is a poem written from the perspective of Deidre for her kismesis, Nathme, with whom she's vacillating.


The first half of a conversation between Deidre and her moirail, Roslin, with whom she just had a messy break up. They talk things out as best as two maladjusted, adolescent trolls on Alternia can.

Dedicated to Darkness

This is a continuously updated collection of miscellaneous poems from Alternia.