Welcome to my Homestuck Fansite!
You can call me Rainy, Cam, or VP! You can learn more about me here. Feel free to click around my site! Also check out the buttons that link to other cool sites.

Cool Things That Aren't Mine
The Unofficial Homestuck Collection is the best way to read Homestuck in the intended format.
Read MSPA has transcripts of walkarounds and a much better search function than the Homestuck website.
Voice Over Nexus' Let's Read: Homestuck is a series where voice actors come together to read Hoemstuck to the viewer.
Lotus Time Capsule is an archive of Homestuck fansongs throughout the years.
Skaianet Radio is a Homestuck fan radio that plays official and fanmade Homestuck music around the clock.
Feastings' Homestuck Ministrife Pixelings are great for making shipping walls and cute edits.
Cairovercoat's Background Tiles are really nice if you want to make a Homestuck themed website.