The Depths Of Fandom
Fandom has a lot of depths, especially a fandom that's been both popular and around for a while like Homestuck has. I say this not to cringe at obscure microdrama in the far reaches of the fandom, but rather to appreciate the subcultures within the fandom.
A while back I was exposed to the true depths of the fan parody side of the Homestuck fandom, via tumblr user homestuck-vocals' archive of fan songs and parodies. You have no idea how badly I needed Aradia covering Marina and the Diamonds in my life.
I've dipped my toe into a few different subfandoms before. I do a bit of fantroll RP, have some sorely underutilized ask blogs and gimmick blogs, made a fan parody song of my own, and even spent a while editing the MSPA wiki. That experience alone is worth it's own blog post, though it can be summarized as I'm probably done editing the wiki until they move off of Fandom.
I think having all these different areas in the fandom is a beautiful thing. Different people putting their different skills to use, whether it be voicing fan comics or making character plushies (something which I have found quite tedious), in a way that fosters community makes something in my pusher fire up.
I really like going around and checking out new things, so the Homestuck fandom never ceases to impress me in that regard. I'm sure there's other fandoms with this level of depth, but Homestuck is the one that truly inspires me.